The protection and preservation of our natural heritage has become a collective necessity. The imeo® brand was created to actively take part in this objective, and marry technology with the protection of our environment.


  • Electrofishing may only be carried out by a team placed under the authority of a specially designated person who will ensure the application of the safety measures.
  • All persons in the fishing area must wear boots and insulating gloves.
  • The connection of the wiring must be carried out with the generator switched off.
  • A person should only be designated as part of an electrofishing team after his employer has ensured that he has received the relevant training in the safety rules required for fishing operations, and the manoeuvres to be carried out in the event of an accident.
  • The fishing team should include at least two members trained to administer first aid to victims of electrical accidents, including artificial respiration.
  • The approach to the fishing site should be prohibited to any person not satisfying the earlier points.
  • The electrofishing equipment should be checked annually by an approved organization.
  • This type of fishing is still carried out under the supervision of a fishing warden.

In Europe, electrofishing is reserved to competent fishing authorities.
Imeo® products are manufactured in France.

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Electrofishing is done to preserve and protect fish populations, in the event, for example, of work being carried out in a river, as well as pollution or drought. Using the technique sick fish can also be captured to avoid an epidemic, control populations to ensure the effectiveness of repopulation measures, carry out scientific studies successfully, and to draw up statistics on the quantity of fish, wealth of species, samples' state of health, and trophic balance (distribution of nutritional groups).